As I watched the new found feathered family, nested in the tree, I noticed for the first few days the Momma was always there watching over her brood of young. But after that, more times than not, she was nowhere to be found! What I didn’t realize was that this was intentional.
In order for them to survive on their own the Momma has to leave them be. This is the process. In order for the babies to spread their wings and soar they have to be nudged into it. Nurtured and then expected to go and fulfill their purpose. This is the way God designed it for the birds. When I think about it, life has a funny way of preparing us for purpose, too. I say that because like the brood of young, as we progress through life, God is continually preparing us for purpose. It is God’s design. Sometimes our purpose is not readily apparent. There are times where we might feel awkward while operating in it. We may, from time to time, feel as if we aren’t even capable. I most certainly do. There are times when it feels like God is nowhere to be found. But rest assured, there comes a moment in time, when you will know that much of your life has been in preparation for your purpose. Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM! Early one Monday morning, as I opened the shades, I saw a brood of young. Momma bird had given birth in the nest she had made in the tree directly outside my dining room window.
Every day, numerous times throughout the day, I checked on the new found family. When the babies were just about a week old, as they were eating from the momma’s mouth, they began to spread their wings while eating. In fact, fiercely. My husband said they were using their wings to push one another out of the way. Could this be the beginnings of sibling rivalry? Who knows! What I do know is as they were being nourished it caused them to begin to develop and exercise what they needed, wings, to fulfill their destiny. Over time, with practice, the babies flight feathers develop. Get this. Some might even fall to the ground while learning how to fly. It’s a clumsy process. But over time, their wings strengthen, and they do what they are destined to do: Spread their wings and soar. When the babies are born, they have no idea, that each day is preparing them to do what they are called to do. Each day is designed for purpose. Specifically, for every one of the birds, the day comes when they must leave the nest and fly. Hmmm. That’s how it is for us, too. Each of us is born with a purpose. Our journey through life is preparing us for it. God doesn’t reveal the sheer magnitude of our purpose in the beginning. He doesn’t reveal all the details of what it will take to fulfill it. So, there is no trailer. You don’t get a preview of what you may go through, what it may cost you personally, to achieve it. So, we live trusting each day is preparation to bring us closer to our destiny. Branching out in faith. Trusting in God. Because just like the brood of young, there comes comes a day where we will spread our wings and soar. Father, Help me to remember that You are continually directing my steps and drawing me closer to my destiny. In Jesus Name, Amen. Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM! When life is not going the way you planned… When the unexpected has happened… AGAIN! When you are not sure how things are going to work out… When you are furious at what life is throwing your way…
Remember these Words from God to you: As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand…Jeremiah 18:6 A word of encouragement from me to you: God’s got this 🙌🏽 (whatever ‘this’ is for you.) Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM! Father,
As I pen this I have just had yet another surgery in a quest to regain my hearing again. I most certainly don’t understand why me? I was hearing great and then I wasn’t. Then I find out there has been a recall. Really, LORD? This is the beginnings of a personal prayer I penned to God. On this day (the day I wrote it), I didn’t want to talk about my hopes and dreams. Well, yes, I sort of did. I wanted God to know how disappointed and frustrated I was because things were not working out the way I had hoped. The way I had prayed. The way I had believed. I was struggling with anger and frustration and…you get the picture. So, after I voiced my frustration and disappointments and all that I was struggling with kinda’ stuff, I concluded with this. … But as I walked through this period, yet again, of near deafening silence, I made a decision. I made a decision based on what I know about You. I know that You are good. I know that You are orchestrating my life. I know that every day is purposefully preparing me for my destiny. It may not look like it at all. But I will keep my eyes on You. I choose to live my life knowing every day is full of purpose. Every day I am moving closer and closer to destiny. Help me, Father, when my mind begins to go awry. I thank you and praise you and love you. In Jesus Name, Amen. So, although I started off voicing my discontent, I ended up acknowledging Who God is in my life. I ended up putting my faith in Him. I recognized ‘things’ may be uncertain but God is not. I can trust Him with my life. You know, there was a time when I believed faith was never admitting my frustrations, fears, and disappointments. I believed that if I expressed them, especially in prayer, then I doubted God. I doubted His sovereignty. So not true. Today, I know better. Today, I talk through it all with the One I can trust with it all. My hope for me, and you, is that as we journey through 2021, we will be more transparent with God. After all, there is nothing in our hearts that He doesn’t already know. 💜 Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM! 2020. What a year! Can I get a recall? Just kidding. Hmmm. Maybe not. 🤔
I was thinking about the 2020 year. This is how I summed it up. To me, it felt like I was playing cards. I was just dealt a hand that I did not want but I couldn’t change. I had a choice to make. Do I fold and give in? Do I quit? Do I throw a tantrum and start throwing my cards all over the place? Y’all know people like that, too 🤣 Or do I play and make the best of it? Like cards, throughout the 2020 year, I did have choices to make. But unlike cards, my choices had nothing to do with chance. One choice I made, and still am making, is to remain persistent. Purposeful. Purposefully doing what I need to do to stay fit physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Like keeping a healthy, daily morning routine. Most days ☺️. Or like doing my hair 🙅🏽♀️ as if I am going somewhere. 2020 was a year of the unforeseen. Again, I say, what a year! But, guess what family? We made it through. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Yes, nevertheless, we endured. Happy New Year 2021! 🥳💜😷 I pray you continue to be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM throughout 2021, Liz |
Hey There! I'm LizFounder of Ezra728 with a purpose of creating inspiring messages to strengthen and encourage primarily us gals across the globe. Guys, don't fret. You are definitely welcome, too. Archives
March 2021