Look Mommy! Look! As I looked up to see what might have the attention of this toddler I realized she was pointing at me. By now her Mom grabbed her finger and pushed it down while whispering in her ear. Whatever Mommy said obviously did not appease the little girl because as soon as she had the opportunity she pointed at me again.
As I passed by the little girl, and her Mom, the Mom’s face was red, I assumed with embarrassment. I waved at the little girl and spoke. After the little girl waved back, I watched her as she slowly put her hand up to her face and pressed on her nose. She meant no harm. I thought maybe some day I will get used to this. I can shake it off a lot quicker than I used to be able to because I know the truth. I know I am not a mistake. I know God was not shocked or dismayed when I was born. I know I have a future and a hope. I know that when He looks at me He sees nothing but greatness. A funny shaped nose wrapped up in greatness. A scarred face adorned with a precious crown of acceptance and beauty in the eyes of God. Plan and purpose strewn in a banner across my chest. What if normal and perfect were eradicated as descriptors for people? What if every child, no matter what they looked like, knew just how precious they are in the eyes of God? What if children were told, from birth, that God makes no mistakes? What if they were told this day after day after day after day? Not only by their parents, relatives, friends and neighbors, but also by the educational system? What if it were engrained in them from the time they were born so that difference was embraced? And not called out? A world of what ifs? But honestly it can be. In the midst of writing “The Letter Series” this was placed on my heart, and so today I share.
Maybe there are times, when life seems to be so out of whack, we need to remember to insert a comma. We need to take time to pause. Pause and wait on God. Pause and see just what He will do and what He wants us to do. Father, Help us to pause and wait on You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Dear Friend,
Get this! As crazy as it seems, in one of my letters to God, I told Him that I forgive Him. I actually wrote, “I forgive You God.” And I meant it. Guess what? There was a response. Yes, I heard so loud and clear in my spirit, “There is a comma missing. It is I forgive you comma God.” Then I penned this: The comma was missing. The punctuation that separated one idea from another. The initial idea that I believed God was on a mission. His goal: Make my life miserable. For many years, from my perspective, the evidence seemed to support it. I thought I existed to just get by. Now I know differently. There came a day where I learned the truth. God always had a plan and purpose for me. A good one, too. God is for me. So, I ask you, friend, are you missing a comma? Do you need to separate one idea from another? Like me, do you need to pause and separate your thoughts from God’s thoughts? Do you need to separate one idea that you have formed from God’s truth? Hmmm, maybe life is all about perspective: God’s perspective 💜 Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good work we would do to fulfill it. Ephesians 2:10 TPT Dear God,
Remember when I wanted nothing to do with You? There was a time in my life when I thought if there really was a God then the definition would read something like, “Creator and Ruler of the Universe with a vengeance for…” Somehow, not sure why, my name was listed first and foremost directly after the ellipses. I blamed You God. You had it in for me. So I thought. For so many years. For so many reasons. I just didn’t get You. It started with me never understanding why Daddy had to leave. Why did he have to die? Didn’t You know how much I needed him? Didn’t you know the teasing voices would one day become so much louder, in my head, and shape how I saw myself? Didn’t You know, that without Daddy’s positive affirmations, I would be left scarred, and this time, internally? Didn’t You care? You know it took me a long time to heal. I spent years trying to process why. Why, if God is so good, would He ever do this to me? Why would God allow such a little girl to experience so much pain, grief and trauma? What kind of God would ever think this was a good plan? Today, it’s different though. I am so grateful for Who You are in my life. I want to thank You. Thank You God for allowing me to have at least eight years with my Dad. I am grateful that I had him during my most formidable years. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to know a father’s love. An unconditional father’s love. Both Daddy and Yours. I still don’t understand ‘the why’s” but it no longer matters. Oh God, there is so much I want to say. But then again, You already know. I know some day I will see Daddy again in Heaven and then I can thank him for loving me the way that he did. In the meantime, could You let him know. I love you so much God that somedays all I can do is just cry. Your daughter forever, Liz |
Hey There! I'm LizFounder of Ezra728 with a purpose of creating inspiring messages to strengthen and encourage primarily us gals across the globe. Guys, don't fret. You are definitely welcome, too. Archives
March 2021