Let’s go back. Back to when Hannah was told that God had granted her petition which meant that she was going to have a baby. It was at this moment that Hannah’s countenance changed. After hearing that word, she was no longer sad and went and ate. Her appetite was back.
I envision Hannah leaving the temple skipping and shouting and praising God. I bet she couldn’t wait to get home and make love to her husband. She was probably humming a tune similar to the modern day version of Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” all the way back home from Shiloh. Hips swaying. Arms waving. No cares in the world. No cares at all. See Hannah believed God at HIS Word. All she had to do was hear it and it was considered done. Hannah trusted in the LORD. Hannah had seed-like faith now anchored in her soul. What a word! What a word! Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz Faith, then, is birthed in a heart that responds to God’s anointed utterance of the Anointed One. Romans 10:17 TPT 2 Corinthians 1:20 For all the promises of God in HIM are yes and in HIM Amen. I’m bursting with God-news!
I’m walking on air. I’m laughing at my rivals. I’m dancing my salvation. Nothing and no one is holy like God, No rock mountain like our God. Don’t dare talk pretentiously - not a word of boasting, ever! For God knows what’s going on. These are excerpts taken from Hannah’s prayer in First Samuel Chapter 2 in The Message Bible. This prayer was expressed by Hannah during her Shiloh trip where she gave her one and only son (at the time) to the Lord. Samuel. This prayer was expressed in the midst of her honoring her vow to the Lord. Hannah didn’t know if she would ever have another child. Hannah didn’t know her future but she remembered her word. She knew her commitment. Hannah didn’t understand Samuel’s destiny as God had intended it but she knew her God. She knew HE was good. So, she speaks exactly what is on her heart. Honest to God. Hannah knows this is a God moment. Hannah is grateful that she finally birthed her heart’s desire. Hannah doesn’t bring anger or frustration or disappointment in the fact that she is not able to raise her son. She only sees the greatness of her Maker. In the midst of her letting go, of her surrendering her one and only son, she acknowledges HIS glory. Seems like that’s all that matters. Giving God glory. In this chapter it is like Hannah is saying: God, I know. I get it. This smile on my face - YOU put it there. But not to gloat but to give YOU glory. Here YOU go - Here’s Samuel. And I couldn’t help but think about how God may have felt at that moment. The moment where Hannah surrendered Samuel to HIM. Can you picture it? Tears running down HIS face because HE completely understands. For soon HE will give HIS only SON up. Can you imagine? HE might even have whispered, “Hannah, I know my child. I know”. Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz For God so loved the world that HE gave HIS one and only SON…. John 3:16 NIV Hannah had Sammy. I imagine she gave him a nickname. Don’t you? Stay with me now.
Hannah nursed Sammy daily. Hannah developed a bond with her son. I am sure she spoke seeds of greatness into his life as she rubbed her fingers gently across his mane. I am sure she spoke to him about her struggle and how God answered her prayer and healed her of her barrenness as she hugged him close to her bosom. I am sure she talked to him about his future and how he would be raised in the house of the LORD. I am sure she talked about how it would be a great experience. Sammy was going to PIT academy. Priest-in-Training, that is. I am sure she told him how God set it up so the priest office were accountable to teach holiness and the ways of the LORD to the people. She might have even called them God’s representatives. She might have said something like, “See Sammy, I am teaching you what I know but there will come a time when you will be ready for more. Substance. Sustenance. Meat. There will be a time when I will wean you off this milk, and you will go and be nourished, and it will be more satisfying than you can even imagine. You will graduate to solid food son. Sammy, there will come a time where we will both need to walk out our destiny. But don’t worry son, each year I will come, and visit you, and check on you, and bring you a special gift. You will wear that gift, and anytime you miss your Mama just think of our time together, and know I am praying for you, and you are in the best of care. No doubt Sammy. No doubt.” Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz It is in the moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. Tony Robbins Destiny is the push of our instincts to the pull of our purpose. T.D. Jakes So, Hannah went off and cried to the LORD and while bearing her soul she also made a vow to the LORD. Hannah vowed that if the LORD gave her a son then she would give him to the LORD for the rest of his life. The LORD heard her prayer and granted her petition. She had a son. Samuel.
Hannah has now had Samuel and it’s time to take the yearly vacation to Shiloh and she tells her husband that she is not going. She is going to wait until she has weaned her son, and then she is going to bring him to the LORD’s house. There he will grow up and live. Her husband’s response is do what you gotta do. I know this is the hand of God. You made a vow and the LORD gave you what you asked for so complete the work of the LORD. Honor your vow. Just let me know when you’re ready. Well, that is my summation. Now let’s think about Peninnah for a moment. You didn’t think I would forget about her, did you? She must be too excited when she finds out that Hannah and the new baby are not going on the trip to Shiloh. Imagine what she might be thinking. I am going with my man by myself. I get the best part of the feast this year. I don’t have to watch her cry and get all my man’s attention. I don’t have to hear him tell her how much he loves her so. Just me and him and the kids while she stays home. I imagine she may even have felt as if she had won the wife battle. She had the victory. Little did she know. Little did she know. Fast forward some years later. It’s time for the annual trip to Shiloh and this year Hannah is ready to take Samuel to the house of the LORD. Seems like such a tough thing to have to do, though. I don’t know if you have kids but imagine having to give up your only child. Yes, you will get to see him periodically but I imagine it’s not the same. But Hannah did what she vowed to do. And God blessed her with more kids. Each year when the Elkanah clan came to Shiloh proud Mama Hannah probably just sat and smiled with her own kids surrounding her knowing her first was so well regarded of God and man. Watching her baby boy, a priest in training, growing and maturing in the Lord. And you know her husband had to love her more. After all, one of his sons is growing into a prominent man of God. You know he had to be a proud papa, too. Bet the other wife didn’t have much to say now. In fact, I don’t think she nor any of her children are ever mentioned again. Interesting, huh? I find such strength in Hannah. For years she suffered at the hand of someone who had no compassion for her barrenness. Said another way, had no compassion for her situation. But Hannah was devoted to the LORD. I imagine that is why she had the character which resulted in a godly attitude not only inward but more importantly outward. Hannah had no idea that this son of hers, at the time her only son, would grow up to become a judge. A judge of God’s people. Samuel became great amongst the people doing the service of the Lord. Her son would be accountable to teach holiness and the ways of the Lord to the people. God’s representative. Her barrenness was used for greatness. Her lack was used for such gain. And God was glorified in her surrender. Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz It is wonderful what miracles God works in wills that are utterly surrendered to HIM. Hannah Whitall Smith. |
Hey There! I'm LizFounder of Ezra728 with a purpose of creating inspiring messages to strengthen and encourage primarily us gals across the globe. Guys, don't fret. You are definitely welcome, too. Archives
March 2021