So, when the Israelites went to get the Ark of God someone please help me understand what they were thinking?!? So, let me clarify my question. Yes, I understand the elders stated the Ark would save them from the grip of the enemy. And, yes, I get they believed God would not allow anything bad to happen to them while HE was on the scene. HIS presence would protect them. The Ark was God’s sanctuary where HE dwelt among them (Exodus 25:8). But they made a decision to go and bring the Ark into the midst of their mess. To fix their mess. And, what? They thought God would just say, “As you wish!” Hmmm. In the end, God allowed the Ark to be taken by the Philistines. Surely that is not what the Israelites expected to have happen. Surely that is not what they were thinking. God allowed the enemy to defeat the Israelites and take the Ark. Seems to me God’s response was “Think again! Think again!” Just a little something to ponder. Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz Comments are closed.
Hey There! I'm LizFounder of Ezra728 with a purpose of creating inspiring messages to strengthen and encourage primarily us gals across the globe. Guys, don't fret. You are definitely welcome, too. Archives
March 2021