Mom! Can we wake him up? Please? It’s after 9. We’ve been up for hours. That little brat does this every year. It’s just not fair!!!
The little one (referenced above) just so happens to be the youngest of my three kids. It was Christmas morning and, yes, the little one is still sleep. Nothing new for us. Not even presents nestled under the tree are a catalyst to get him to wake up early. Mornings were not his thing back then. And if we were all going to enjoy the day it was imperative that this little guy wake up on his own. Rest was essential and synonymous to peace for our family at least on that day. The kids knew that no presents could be open until we acknowledged the reason for the season and all three of them needed to be present. No pun intended. Hence, the reason the two older ones were beside themselves on this and for that matter every Christmas morning once their little brother came along. I became a Christian in between the birth of my second and third child. I remember struggling with how to make sure that my kids were persuaded of the TRUTH. It was important to me that every time Christmas rolled around they would know the reason for the season. The Christmas message to me was quite simple to convey. Jesus. Born a babe in a manger. In a not so perfect world. Sent by a loving God. For whosoever shall believe, that is, trust in and place full confidence in and rest upon faith in Jesus and HIS story shall have everlasting life. So, in our home, Christmas morning began with one of the kids reading about Jesus. When they were little they read from their Children’s Bible. As they grew older, they decided who would read and they were allowed to pick what would be read and the message conveyed. They knew presents were exchanged as our way of celebrating the birth of Christ. Our Savior. In looking back, I realized that although the two older ones were fit to be tied by time the little one opened his eyes and decided to bless us with his presence, once we began our Jesus party, if you will, all was well. Until next Christmas morning that is. During this season of heightened believing, with so many messages broadcast, some quite deceiving, take time to accept the ONE worth receiving. Jesus. Merry Christmas! Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz For God so loved the world that HE gave HIS one and only Son, that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV Comments are closed.
Hey There! I'm LizFounder of Ezra728 with a purpose of creating inspiring messages to strengthen and encourage primarily us gals across the globe. Guys, don't fret. You are definitely welcome, too. Archives
March 2021