After the Philistines took the Ark of God, whatever city they brought the Ark into was hit with devastation and a plague and deaths resulted from it.
The Philistines continued to move the Ark from city to city and lo and behold the same thing continued to happen. Finally, when the Ark was brought into one city (Ekron) the people protested. The people of that city let it be known they did not want the Ark in their city. They wanted the Ark sent back to where it came from. So, the Philistines finally sent the Ark of the LORD off. They strapped it to two milk cows, yoked together, and sent it back with figurines of gold as an offering. When they sent them off, the cows, carrying the cart with the Ark of the LORD, went straight to the field of Joshua of Beth-Shemesh (a city of Judah given to the Israelite priests) and stopped there. The cows did not turn to the right or to the left as they journeyed to Beth-shemesh. For some reason this makes me think about Rambo, my Belgian Shepherd. Whenever Rambo walks from his house to the main house he walks the exact same path. He has traveled this path so many times it is a worn pattern in the grass. Every now and then I wonder why Rambo does this. Is it so that when he gets older he will know how to get back and forth from his house to his master’s house? Or is it that he wants to make sure his master knows how to find him? He is the only dog we have had, thus far, that walks the same beaten path. Hmmm. Just makes you wonder. Well, it makes me wonder. Some days I just want to tell him, “Rambo, you never have to worry. We know exactly where to find you.” Just like God knew where to find the Israelites. In fact, God always knows where to find HIS people. You and me. HE knows the path we are on even when it seems as if we have strayed far from HIM. We are never lost. No matter what. We are never lost. Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz Comments are closed.
Hey There! I'm LizFounder of Ezra728 with a purpose of creating inspiring messages to strengthen and encourage primarily us gals across the globe. Guys, don't fret. You are definitely welcome, too. Archives
March 2021