And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. Genesis 1:3
The first time God speaks we see that HE creates. In the book Zola's Introduction to Hebrew by John Parsons, the author states: ”Unlike God, we do not literally create reality by means of our words, but we do interpret reality. We evaluate it, make decisions based on our assessments, and we shape the contours of our experiences by means of the words we use. In short, each of us is responsible for how we describe reality and whether we will align our words with the truth of reality. We are given the responsibility to properly confess and to believe the truth.” Hmmm. Okay. I confess. When I think about my Christian life for years I didn’t really understand this. I didn’t really understand the power of God’s Word and the deep significance in what it means to believe. But through trials, time, victories, time, disappointments, time, seemingly defeats, you name it, I held on to HIS promises and HIS word and grew to trust HIM. And. Not. The. Circumstances. I grew to trust HIM more and more as I studied HIS Word. As HE took me through and I experienced life in HIM! And then one day I realized I understood my responsibility. My responsibility to properly confess and believe the TRUTH. The Word of God. Again, no matter what! I close with this. For those of you who are facing something that threatens to change your life completely and you have no control over it, heck, even for those whose life is just grand, trust in HIS Word and continue to trust in HIM! As you do you will find TRUTH. The TRUTH that applies to your situation. Then confess the TRUTH and Believe. In the end, know God is changeless, omnipotent and faithful. And I just imagine Jesus saying to us, “You have MY WORD!!!” 😉 Be Strengthened and Encouraged in HIM, Liz And I will bring you into the land concerning which I lifted up MY hand and swore that I would give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I will give it to you for a heritage. I am the LORD [you have the pledge of MY changeless, omnipotence and faithfulness]. Exodus 6:8
Linda Harris
5/24/2019 06:18:13 am
I thank the Lord he placed you in my life. The series are God anointed for my growth in HIM! Comments are closed.
Hey There! I'm LizFounder of Ezra728 with a purpose of creating inspiring messages to strengthen and encourage primarily us gals across the globe. Guys, don't fret. You are definitely welcome, too. Archives
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